Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy 4th of July

The fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays.  I have the best family memories from this day.  This year it will be very different for me as this will be the first time I am away from home.  This will also be the first year without my amazing Grandpa.  Today reminds me so much of him and the pride and honor he felt for our country.  Pop I miss you everyday and will be thinking of you.


Whenever I see the American Flag I think of my Pop and smile.  Here are some fun inspiring photos for the 4th of July and a couple DIY projects from some awesome blogs!  

Fun Luminaries
Fun Easy Wreath

Ferry ride to Catalina

Last but absolutely not least, my favorite picture of my Grandpa on 4th of July in 2006. I love you and will be celebrating thinking of you!

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