Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Re-Design Wednesday

Here it is folks, I can't believe it is already Wednesday!   With my new format for posts every Wednesday will be Re-design/DIY Wednesday.
I will be posting designs that are simple and easy to implement in your own home.  Using things you may already have, showing you how to use the same idea in different spaces.


If you are a renter like I am, going from apartment to apartment or house to house it gets hard to keep the same furnishing and décor and use them again and again as the homes change.  Recently I used curtains I no longer had a use for as a shower curtain.  I am not a big fan of the sliding doors on a tub/shower combo.  I'd prefer to hide it, so I did.  I only had to buy the curtain rod and rings. See the difference!!  You get a shower curtain that is a little more than your average shower curtain.  For little to no money! 



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